Experienced Invisalign providers disclose the importance of chewies

The advent of Invisalign has literally transformed the world of orthodontic dentistry like never before. The cutting edge treatment offers a clear, inconspicuous and comfortable alternative to the conventional fixed braces. In order to provide the best results it is crucial that your Invisalign aligners trays fit securely on your teeth. This is where invisible chewies come into play. These chewies are the ultimate means to help your clear aligner trays fit on your teeth in the best way possible. In the following sections of this post let us explore everything that is important about Invisalign chewies. What these chewies are? How you should use them? What advantages do you get from these objects? We will also cover some other topics that are relevant and worth mentioning.

Invisalign chewies – a formal introduction

Technically speaking Invisalign chewies are more of a device which is used to close bubbles of air between your teeth and the aligner trays. As a result the aligners can grip your teeth better. These are made from a soft plastic material named styrene copolymer and are known by various names including aligner chewies, aligner seaters, Invisalign chew sticks and aligner tray seaters, etc. How do these devices look like? Aligner chewies or chewie sticks either look like a cotton roll or a pencil. The device is shaped accordingly so that it can facilitate the best possible grip for the aligner trays. In order to make the range of devices more attractive and interesting for children and young teenagers it comes in various flavours explains a busy, renowned and one of the best Invisalign dentists in London.

The purpose of using aligner chewies

Aligner chewies are very small in size but are simply indispensible when correcting any orthodontic issue using Invisalign is concerned. The clear plastic aligner trays must fit tightly on your teeth to be able to apply the right pressure to facilitate shifting of the teeth into their correct or ideal position. This is where chewies help – they provide a firm and even pressure as and when you bite down. Presence of tiny air gaps between the teeth and the aligner trays prevent the trays to fit properly to the teeth. Chewies drive away those air gaps and enable the aligner trays to sit and fit properly on the teeth exerting a firm grip.

Using the aligner tray seaters

While wearing Invisalign aligner trays on your teeth make sure to hold the tray seater between the teeth. Now keep biting it up from one end of the mouth to the other. Once you have bitten it from every corner of the mouth and with all the teeth, you know the task is accomplished. You should keep repeating this activity a few times for at least 20 seconds. This daily activity is better to be practiced twice.

Before Invisalign can move your teeth effectively the aligners need to fully sit on your teeth. This is basically the reason why every Invisalign provider recommends his or her patients to make use of chewies during their treatment. Chewies used in Invisalign are indistinctly small in size and this make these absolutely hassle-free to carry anywhere with you in your Invisalign case without the risk of losing or damaging them. In fact carrying Invisalign chewies while travelling or going on a vacation is one of easiest things on earth.

How chewies accelerate your Invisalign treatment

Chewies improve the fit of the aligners on your teeth and that is how they speed up your Invisalign treatment, explains a busy Invisalign dentist in London. The aligner trays need to fit well to the teeth to exert the right magnitude of force. This is essential for facilitating the movement of the teeth into the correct position, as identified in your treatment plan. With a proper fit, the process can be carried out more efficiently. When you make it a habit of using chewies every day it results in your aligner trays staying in their place properly. This potentially cuts down your overall treatment time to a significant extent.

Orthodontic chewies and their side effects

Invisalign chewies have no adverse side effects for you. When you bite on these aligner seaters with the aligner trays fitted to the teeth it is obvious to experience little and discomfort. But you are likely to feel more pain and discomfort when you do not make use of these devices correctly. If you experience greater pain and discomfort in using chewies in that case you should seek suggestions from your Invisalign providers in London or anywhere else on how to use chewies correctly.

The pain we’re discussing may increase as you switch to new aligners. Over time, the intensity of the pain could grow. But in no way can equate that as a side effect. If the pain and discomfort are severe, consider using over-the-counter pain medications. These medications can be found at chemist shops. It is also okay to stop making use of these chewies temporarily till the pain clears away.

Invisalign chewies and their advantages

  • Facilitate desired movement of the tooth

Chewies facilitate more predictable and faster movement of the teeth. How do the devices make that possible? Chewies give a gentle push to aligners to make sure the appliances fit tightly on your teeth. When the aligners fit tightly on your teeth it becomes possible for those to apply the optimum pressure on the teeth. In easier words, according to an Invisalign dentist in London, this phenomenon leads to straighter teeth in lesser time.

  • Better fitting of your aligner trays

Chewies remove air bubbles in between the appliance trays and your teeth. As a result the aligner trays fit your teeth better and can guide the teeth slide into correct position with more ease.

  • More distinct speech

When the aligner trays are securely fitted to your teeth it is less likely that they intervene in your speech. Chewies help the aligner trays fit to your teeth better and thus help you speak distinctly avoiding lisp.

  • More comfort as well as convenience

When the aligner trays fit the teeth better you are bound to experience much reduced discomfort and irritation. Chewies contribute heavily toward achieving this as they evenly distribute pressure across the teeth.

Tiny devices that are easily portable anywhere you want these chewies invariably contribute with greater convenience in your overall life while undergoing Invisalign treatment.

When your overall Invisalign journey is concerned chewies seem to be a very insignificant part. But these devices play a decisive role in ensuring your aligner trays work efficiently and faster, mention dentists working at the renowned Bayswater Dental Clinic in London. By using chewies daily, you can make the aligners fit your teeth better. This can also help speed up your treatment and make the journey more comfortable.

About Muhammad Jahanzeb Khan

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